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Enterprise SSL

€1.105,11 EUR Save  17 %
€920,92 EUR Triennially
Enterprise SSL from Comodo is the entry point into the Enterprise line. Offering strong encryption up to 256-bit with an NIST-approved 2048-bit signature key, Enterprise SSL is an ideal fit for any enterprise-level business looking to secure its domain. You'll undergo some business validation and verified information about your company or organization will appear in your certificate details and whenever anyone clicks your Comodo Secure site seal. After all, the name of the game is identity assurance. Enterprise SSL comes backed by a generous $1,500,000 warranty so your company will have peace of mind. View Full Product Details

Enterprise SSL Pro with EV Multi-Domain

€11.084,25 EUR Save  17 %
Starting from €9.236,87 EUR Triennially
Enterprise SSL Pro with EV Multi-Domain is Comodo''s most comprehensive enterprise-level security solution—it can cover up to 250 different domains with a single certificate. Not only do you get all the benefits of Comodo Enterprise SSL Pro with EV – the green address bar, powerful encryption and a considerable spike in your customers'' trust towards you – now you have the flexibility to encrypt additional domains on the same certificate. Think about all the time and money you''ll save when you secure your entire online presence in one fell swoop. Best of all, Enterprise SSL Pro with EV Multi-Domain is backed by the biggest warranty in the industry, $2,000,000 along with the Comodo Secure site seal. There''s no better way to encrypt your entire online portfolio with the green address bar! View Full Product Details

Comodo OV Unified Communications Wildcard

€968,91 EUR Save  17 %
Starting from €807,42 EUR Triennially
Designed with Microsoft Exchange and Office Communications in mind, this Organization Validated (OV) certificate provides support not only for multiple domains, but also unlimited subdomains. This certificate is the perfect wildcard solution for companies with multiple sites. View Full Product Details

Business-critical domains


New account signup pages

What is extended validation SSL?

Extended Validation SSL will in most cases display your company or site name in green. This prominent visual verification provides visitors added confidence that steps were taken to confirm the identity of the website and business they're visiting, increasing user trust in your website and its credibility – this is why most large companies and organizations choose EV certificates.
Extended Validation SSL - What is extended validation SSL?

Contains your EV Authenticated Organization details

Certificate details indicate your website is using an Extended Validation SSL Certificate and include the issuing CA, validity status, and expiration date.
Extended Validation SSL - Contains your EV Authenticated Organization details

Why should I use Organization SSL?

Prominent Visual Identity

Increase trust and confidence in your website with full identity verification and prominent visual features.

Trust Site Seal

Our SSL Certificates come with a trust seal that has been proven to increase visitor confidence and customer conversions.

$1.5m Warranty

EV Certificates come with a $1.5m warranty that covers data breaches caused due to a certificate flaw.

Extended SSL features

Encrypt Sensitive Data

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Secure Online Transactions

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Prove Legitimacy

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Strongest & Fastest SSL

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99.9% Browser Compatibility

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Increase SEO Rank

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Frequently asked questions

What is an Extended Validation SSL Certificate?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla varius mi gravida neque cursus finibus. Proin id malesuada nunc. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer vestibulum tortor ac dapibus sodales. Suspendisse eget mi vitae dolor congue ullamcorper. Suspendisse potenti. Sed porttitor nisi at neque rhoncus imperdiet. Phasellus suscipit at risus non dignissim. Aenean in augue nulla. In sagittis, sapien eget dapibus hendrerit, felis nunc varius sem, ut lobortis justo libero ut leo. Maecenas finibus rhoncus nisi vitae tristique. Curabitur vitae massa interdum, tristique purus eget, eleifend quam. Cras consequat nec ligula at porttitor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer sodales vel enim eu dictum. Nulla vitae maximus dui.

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